What is Net Zero?

Net zero is the balance between the amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) that are produced and removed from the atmosphere. Achieving net zero means that all the greenhouse gases that we produce are removed, creating a ‘net zero’ impact.

A good way to think of it is like water in a bathtub. Water entering the tub represents the greenhouse gases we emit through our activities like driving cars or manufacturing products in factories. Water going down the drain symbolises emissions being removed from the atmosphere, for example being absorbed by trees or man-made carbon capture technologies.

To keep the water level, we need to balance the water entering the tub with the water draining out. The more water we add, the more water we need to remove. Equally, the more greenhouse gases we produce, the more we need to remove to reach net zero.

What is net zero? | National Grid Group


Why do we need net zero?

Since the first industrial revolutions around 1750, humans have been digging up and burning fossil fuels, which cause greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide to be emitted into the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases absorb heat from the sun and warm the Earth. The more greenhouse gases we add, the greater the warming effect and the more negative impacts we experience.

2023 was the warmest year on record, and more records are expected to be broken in the coming years. The only way we can slow down warming is to stop producing so many emissions and begin to remove those that are already in the atmosphere.

Collectively organisations and businesses make up around a fifth of the UK’s carbon emissions, so it is really important that each organisation aims to reduce its emissions as much as possible, and having a net zero target is a great way to start. There are also other benefits to reducing emissions such as cost savings, preparing for stricter future legislations, and becoming more resilient!

UK Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2021: summary (publishing.service.gov.uk)


What does Net Zero mean to us?

In simple terms, net zero means reducing emissions as much as possible – but where to start? 

There are lots of resources online to help you on your sustainability journey, such as the UK Business Climate Hub and the Green Accord. Here you can find advice on easy steps to take from energy saving to reducing business miles, improving recycling rates and sustainable purchasing policies. There are also several online carbon calculators that can help you to create a baseline of carbon emissions so you can begin to start reducing.

If setting a target for net zero seems too daunting, setting smaller, achievable targets such as reducing energy use by 20% in the first year can help you to build momentum for bigger reductions in the future.

Once you have begun your decarbonisation journey, make sure to shout about it! Sharing the steps you have taken on your website or social media are a great way to showcase your efforts and help others too! You can also apply for accreditations, such as the Green Accord, to demonstrate your environmental credentials to employers and customers.

So why not get started today!


Resources and links:

Carbon calculator for SMEs - Start measuring - SME Climate Hub

UK Government Advice and Guidance - UK Business Climate Hub - find advice on energy saving and net zero for SMEs

Green Accord - Home - Green Accord (green-accord.co.uk)

SWPA's Upcoming Retrofit and Decarbonisation Framework (N9) - https://www.swpa.org.uk/frameworks/coming-soon/itt-n9/

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