Case Study: Penlea House

The South West Procurement Alliance (SWPA) is the South West hub of the LHC Procurement Group, a not-for-profit central purchasing body which develops frameworks for public sector use. Established in 1966, we provide high quality, innovative frameworks, and other procurement products, for public sector clients. SWPA’s compliant frameworks are free-to-use and can be used by local authorities, social landlords and other public sector bodies to procure works, products and services for the construction, refurbishment and maintenance of social housing and public buildings.


Homes in Sedgemoor, on behalf of Somerset Council are in partnership with regional contractor Classic Builders, on a project to complete 33 low-environmental impact apartments on land previously occupied by the semi-derelict Penlea House, based in Bridgwater, Somerset. The project has made positive progress and will provide much needed new homes for the local area.  


The initial works comprised of the demolition of the existing Penlea House, complete with the external courtyard and outbuildings, existing block of garages and the design and construction of the mostly 3 story, but part 4 story block of apartments, with a central courtyard adjoining as well. The new block will contain 33 apartments, including a mix of 1 and 2 bedrooms, accessed by 4 communal staircases, and all with external balconies. Impressively, 10 of the ground floor flats will be wheelchair accessible with wet rooms, and there will be EV charging points provided for each flat as well.


“Classic Builders were pleased to be awarded this project, and it is great to be working with Nick Draper and the team. The project itself is really taking shape and it is brilliant to see it grow and progress week by week. From day one Classic builders and Homes in Sedgemoor have worked together to ensure that when the new homes are completed it will be a project, we are all proud of.– Giles Staines, Contracts Manager, Classic Builders.

The delivery of high-specification, energy efficient homes is a key driver for the client. This is being achieved via the use of several new technologies including:

  • Juwowall Construction,
  • Enhanced insulation and air tightness,
  • Enhanced ‘U’ values which mean less energy is required to maintain comfortable conditions inside the building and reduce heat transmission,
  • Photovoltaic cells and Solar panels,
  • Triple glazing,
  • Renewable heating and hot water systems to replace gas,
  • Mechanical Heat Ventilation Systems.


“Homes in Sedgemoor are very pleased to have used SWPA as a procurement route for this scheme. Their guidance through the process has been very supportive and continues to be. We are very happy to have appointed Classic Builders via the NH3 framework and the results are showcasing how collaborative approaches and relationships can bring great schemes to fruition” – Nick Draper, Housing Development Team Leader, Homes in Sedgemoor.


The project is due to be completed in January 2025, and was procured through the South West Procurement Alliance’s (SWPA) Housing Construction framework (H1), now superseded by the Modern Methods of Construction: New Homes 3 (NH3) framework. This framework has been developed to provide an efficient, value for money procurement route for local authorities, social landlords and other public sector bodies for the offsite development of new residential buildings, using modern methods of construction (MMC).


There is a huge pressure on public sector organisations to deliver on ambitious targets for the development of new-build social housing. SWPA’s procurement solutions provide public sector organisations with an efficient, value-for-money and compliant route to market to support these targets.

“The Penlea House project is a fantastic example of a client and regional contractor working together to achieve high-specification, energy efficient homes for the benefit of the local community. The finished apartments will provide a wonderful place to live and be a true asset to the local area. SWPA are delighted to have been selected to support the procurement process for this project.” - Penny Searson, Regional Manager, SWPA


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