South West Community Benefit Fund: Ape Playground
The objectives of the APE Project are to carry on activities which benefit the community and in particular to provide benefit to children, young people and their families and carers.
The wider community as a whole also benefits from their passion for spreading the message of environmental awareness and sustainability through positive activities and training.
The main activities of the APE Project currently are to provide an adventure playground and play and artistic activities in an area of great need in Bristol. The organisation has over 500 children registered and 30 volunteers.
Request for funding
The organisation requested £1,000. This was to go toward their key charitable project of saving the future of St Pauls Adventure Playground. The £1,000 has contributed towards the cost of providing a sessional play worker to enable the project to continue.
Meeting the aims of the fund
This organisation is meeting the aims of the programme by ensuring people in an area of great need, have access to play facilities for children and their families. They also provide workshops and activities where local people can come together and take part in their community.
By enabling local people to volunteer, individuals can engage and become contributors to the wellbeing of their communities and bring about a change for the better. If this facility were to close it would be a great loss to this local community.
The purpose of the fund
Members of SWPA work with South West Community Matters to distribute grants of up to £1,000 to local projects and causes.
The overall aim of the programme is to increase community facilities and community benefits particularly for those most in need, in local communities. The focus will be on activities that enable people from diverse backgrounds to become engaged in their neighbourhoods and communities and to support those organisations that are bringing about real change to the lives of the people who live in those communities.