South West Community Benefit Fund

SWPA previously established a community benefit fund in October 2019, with our previous delivery partner South West Community Matters. Together we focused our fund on small community groups in the South West, so that we could achieve the most impact. Small community groups often lack visibility and may miss out on funding, by giving them grants we help to ensure the continued work for the benefit of their communities. 

The social value benefits created by the fund were in addition to that stipulated as part of the procurement process, meaning that your project will achieve a greater impact in the community.

Our impact

Since its inception, the community benefit fund has grown from strength to strength. With South West Community Matters we previously delivered over £70k worth of grants to 40+ individual community groups. We continued to work hard to get grants to our nominated groups throughout the pandemic, ensuring that much needed activities could continue in the most difficult circumstances. South West Community Matters grew and evolved, due to support and donations, and achieved charitable status (1204297).

In April 2024, SWPA moved to partner with Locality. Locality is the national membership network, supporting local community organisations to be strong and successful. As partners, we believe in the power of community to transform lives and create a fairer society.

Locality has been appointed as an independent fund manager to work with LHCPG and its members to: assist with the application process, help distribute funds and support grantees to ensure the fund delivers maximum social value. SWPA look forward to supporting even more local community groups, with the help of Locality and its partners, to continue the great work in the South West.

Spotlight on community work

Baby Bank Network

Rusty Road 2 Recovery

Sydenham Improvement Group

Contact SWPA for more information on this framework

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